DRI Proposed Project Slate

Update 11/8: LPC recommended 10 Proposed Projects. NYS will announce final DRI awards in Winter-Spring 2024.

DRI Proposed Projects

DRI grant funds can be used as gap funding for eligible capital projects that have the potential to increase economic vitality and growth in the downtown.

Updated 10/25: Proposal updates from the Town and public presented at Community Meeting #3. Please see project summaries below.

Goal 1 Projects: Connectivity & Safety

Improve connectivity along New York Avenue and around the LIRR station to create a walkable environment, safer roads and crossings, and enhanced public transportation connections.

Please give your initial thoughts on the projects to indicate the alignment with Huntington Station’s goals, transformative potential, and state criteria applicability for each project.

Step 1: Under each goal, please review the materials and projects. Please click on images and links below for more information.

Step 2: Respond to the survey provided adjacent to each goal section. We welcome your feedback and questions on the submission form provided. Note that all questions are optional and all responses will be kept confidential.


Goal 2:
Culture and Community

Support the community’s youth and seniors, multicultural identities and active local organizations by providing spaces for celebrating events, promoting local arts, and encouraging social gathering.

Please give your initial thoughts on the projects to indicate the alignment with Huntington Station’s goals, transformative potential, and state criteria applicability for each project.

Step 1: Under each goal, please review the materials and projects. Please click on images and links below for more information.

Step 2: Respond to the survey provided adjacent to each goal section. We welcome your feedback and questions on the submission form provided. Note that all questions are optional and all responses will be kept confidential.


Goal 3 Projects:
Business and Economy

Increase visibility of existing businesses and capitalize on expanding and attracting new industries, including hospitality, health, food and beverage, entertainment, and specialty retail.

Please give your initial thoughts on the projects to indicate the alignment with Huntington Station’s goals, transformative potential, and state criteria applicability for each project.

Step 1: Under each goal, please review the materials and projects. Please click on images and links below for more information.

Step 2: Respond to the survey provided adjacent to each goal section. We welcome your feedback and questions on the submission form provided. Note that all questions are optional and all responses will be kept confidential.


Goal 4 Projects:
Housing and Revitalization

Revitalize vacant and underutilized properties to create new mixed-use, mixed-income, and transit-oriented housing developments that will support a diverse range of residents.

Please give your initial thoughts on the projects to indicate the alignment with Huntington Station’s goals, transformative potential, and state criteria applicability for each project.

Step 1: Under each goal, please review the materials and projects. Please click on images and links below for more information.

Step 2: Respond to the survey provided adjacent to each goal section. We welcome your feedback and questions on the submission form provided. Note that all questions are optional and all responses will be kept confidential.